Film Focus: La La Land (2016)

La La Land is a gentle but transformational love story that’s bound to make you reminiscent of past lovers, current fears, and forgotten dreams.

5 Movies for All Electronic Music Lovers

The transformational power of music goes beyond any message that words can ever on their own transmit. Check out some of the most powerful electronic music movies!

Film Focus: A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night (2014)

It is clear that in the 21st century, which is defined by largely expanded globalization and ever-growing consumerism, cinema is pressured to keep up to date with popular culture and either produce more of what’s desired already, or try to implement its own rules and influence the guidelines of pop culture. Consequently, in the abundance…

Film Focus: Hidden Figures (2016)

Hidden Figures surely is one of the most important films of 2016. It portrays the stories of three African-American women whose ambitions and ability to dream big, but above all, hard work, manage to earn them the deserved professional recognition and personal respect, as they evolve their career paths and status in NASA, both as women and…

Video Essay: Dolores & Prairie: Damsels in Distress?

Here’s my first video essay exploring the similarities between the visual representation of two strong female characters: Westworld’s Dolores (HBO) and The OA’a Prairie (Netflix). The damsel in distress trope has long infiltrated the small screen and while there still remain female protagonists in need to be rescued by a male superhero, Dolores and Prairie are…